Saturday, October 6, 2012
Kook from the Past: Kansan1225
Did you know that Heidi Klum is descended from Martian and Syruisian stock, and that she's linked to the Illuminati and Der Keiser?
Kansan1225 used to post frequently in who-knows how many newsgroups in the early '00's. Quite an amazing imagination. Numerology, conspiracies, a spooky obsession with Klum (including psychic conversations with her), this guy had it all.
Some high-quality kookness--more of it here!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Legitimate Idiot!
Why, yes, fundamentalist religion is involved; this nut-dipper is linked to fundie fuckwit D. James Kennedy, who called rape victims who get abortions "hysterical."
I think maybe the "D" stood for "Dumbass." No wonder he abbreviated.
Once you remember that conservatism is a mental defect, this shit makes sense. How insane is too insane to be allowed to hold public office?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
One More Reason to Eat Less Chicken
Chick-fil-A sucks.
The company's always been a proud bastion of fundie ugliness. No surprise that they've taken a stance against gay marriage.
When the Jim Henson Company decided that his Muppets were bouncing the chicken chain over its stance, those classy bird-cookers replied with this:
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wingnut Preacher okays child abuse
Brain-dead wingnut preacher preaches that parents should "punch" their "gay-acting" kids
and break their limp wrists. When the Internet rises up in wrath and
tells him to STFU, the cowardly knee-crawler whines that he was only
kidding and issues a non-apology apology.
I'd rather have my kid grow up gay (and happy) than grow up a stupid wingnut. I'd really think I'd failed as a parent if one of mine voted *spit* Republican, let alone chose the preacher lifestyle.
(edited to add a subject line)
I'd rather have my kid grow up gay (and happy) than grow up a stupid wingnut. I'd really think I'd failed as a parent if one of mine voted *spit* Republican, let alone chose the preacher lifestyle.
(edited to add a subject line)
Psycho Lard Tub Eric Cartman dead in Murder-Suicide
Evil Nazi crapball coward JT "Eric Cartman" Ready wiped out his own family (including an 18-month old child), then killed himself.
His plan was to blame a Mexican "cartel assassination squad," possibly in the hope that it would trigger the race war thing the wingnuts keep hoping for when they do shit like this. Cartman was one of those self-styled border guard types. Readers will be astonished to find that his house contained guns, grenades, guns, and guns.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Trayvon Martin link dump (CORRECTED)
Plenty of kooks and scumbags in this story. There's the shooter himself, who comes across as erratic (maybe mentally ill?); there are the people on his side, who've spun out some crazy notions of why their boy is the innocent victim here, not the dead kid; then there are the dung-slinging wingnuts from Newt Gingrich on down to the lowest cave-dwelling racist assholes who bring on the batshit in ways that make Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann seem rational.
Of course, It's All Obama's Fault!
[NOTE: Somehow most of the links got mangled while I was putting the dump together. This has been fixed]
Here we go:
17-year-old Martin was on suspension from school in Miami (bag w/pot residue); he was staying in a gated community (apartments?) with his father's GF; walking home from C-store w/Skittles and a drink, was stalked by shooter, then chased; some sort of scuffle/confrontation, then he was shot; shooter claims "self-defense" [wingnuts say shooter had right to "stand his ground" but the kid, threatened by someone armed and bigger, didn't have the same right, even though he was close to home]
killer's father a retired judge; makes us wonder whether the cops refused to charge Zimmerman because the judge wanted the matter to go away.
map of gated community where Martin lived and died
cops tried to coach a witness into changing her story
kid was shot in late Feb 2012; body kept in cooler for 3 days before parents notified [link somewhere down below]
wingnuts (including Bankrupt Check-Bouncing Failure Newt Gingrich) blame the kid for his own murder
shooter was self-appointed Neighborhood Watch (and ARMED, when NW folks are specifically told they're not cops); called 911 frequently in 2011 for meaningless things like trash in street--
and a suspicious 7-9 year old
the shooter was told to back off by the 911 dispatcher
the Zimmerman media circus
shitstorm picks up as people start claiming shooter said "fucking coons"
Obama speaks out; Gingrich the Bankrupt Failure and other wingnuts screech at him
for pandering; Frothy goes to a shooting range campaign event; stupid woman tells him "Pretend it's Obama!"
faux noise commenters do their usual racist shit-throwing
Geraldo "The Moustache" Rivera says if the kid wasn't wearing a hoodie, he wouldn't have been shot
'witness' claims he saw Martin beating on the shooter, says shooting was self defense [3/23/12]
Gun Owners of America supports 'witness' and 'self-defense' claim, supports the "stand your ground" gun laws
PBS holds roundtable on the killing
Breitard claims kid's photo was 'lightened' to make him look 'innocent' (and picks fight with LGF blogger)
a different Trayvon Martin's pic used to smear the kid
convenient 'black friend' of shooter claims Zimmerman said "fucking goons,' it's what the kids call each other these days when they like each other [3/25/12]
Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine--and now what?
Daily Kos tag roundup
Killer 'can't stop crying'
NOLA cop --under investigation for fatal shooting)--to Trayvon: "Act like a thug, die like a thug"
Miami Herald makes excuses, claims shooter thought Trayvon looked "drugged out" (so smoking pot is a capital offense? Doesn't editorializing belong on the OPINION page?)
wingnut dickhead says Obama "lynching" shooter
investigator wanted to charge shooter with manslaughter, was instructed not to
faux noise commenters go racist (again) (they had a field day with Whitney Houston's death)
not to be outdone, Breitard commenters go even more batshit racist against Trayvon
shooter's lawyer abandons chair, runs out on "The Last Word"; chair footage for an entire segment (Lawrence grills it at one point; chair refuses comment)
shooter's "buddy" Oliver grilled on "The Last Word"; his claims all fall apart (he's a coworker, didn't know him all that well, hadn't seen him in awhile)
shooter claims he was attacked; broken nose, blood on his face and back of his head from being beaten up by the kid--but police video calls bullshit on that
funeral director says no injuries on Trayvon's hands (he didn't put up a fight)
shooter's father claims Martin told shooter, "you're gonna die now" or "you're gonna die tonight"
keeps blowing up: Trayvon Martin was identified but kept as John Doe until his father filed a Missing Persons report; shooter didn't have blood or broken nose; cops didn't drop the ball so much as put it down and walk away from it
Spike Lee fucks up, reposts incorrect address for shooter posted by some Twitter dumbass (the address was was actually that of a 70-year-old woman and her 72 year-old husband; they had to bug out because of all the hate mail, phone calls, and visits in the middle of the night).
wingnut bullies target children
Snowbilly makes desperate attempt to be relevant, says Obama "orchestrated" his remarks on Trayvon.
Longer video of shooter's arrival at PD
breitards say Hispanics--and the shooter--aren't white
wingnut blames Obama for "Kill Zimmerman" Twitter account
shooter's pearl-clutching father: "so much hate coming from the President"
the Gated Community mentality
Trayvon Martin: License to Kill
Roseanne Barr joins the "let's post people's addresses online" club, deletes her post, claims she thought Twitter was private
Spike Lee apologizes, settles with couple whose address he posted
Rep. Bobby Rush removed from House floor for wearing a hoodie; scumbag Allen "One-Term Lying War Criminal" West lies about it
more racist scumbaggery from the Breitards
forensics experts: shooter wasn't screaming for help
moron says forensics experts don't know how to do their job, says they can't use screams to identify shooter vs. Martin
Breitards start deleting some racist comments, after a week
If Martin had been white and the shooter black
a view of Trayvon from the UK (why the US is an insane police state)
Breitards still racist scumbags after another week (4-5-12)
Neo-Nazis "patrolling" Sanford, FL in case race riot breaks out
fox affiliate in Orlando calls Nazis a "civil rights" group--then they delete the page and rewrite it as "White rights group" and edit that to finally say "Neo-Nazi group"
Sanford, FL puts National Guard on standby
a look at sloppy copwork in Sanford, FL (the Martin case is just the latest)
shooter fan defaces a black cultural center at OSU
shooter launches fundraising website
Grand Jury will not get the case; it's in the Special Prosecutor's hands, but there won't be a 1st Degree Murder charge (4-9-12). Could still try him on manslaughter.
this isn't the first time "stand your ground" has farked things up--in OK, a man was killed in 2010 by a robber, who was allowed to walk because he was "attacked" first. The "attacker's" son and an older friend went on a shooting spree, killing 5 black people who had nothing to do with his father's death (4/2012)
America's stooopitest blogger says spree-killer was "understandably upset"
smug yuppie Mark Judge of Daily Caller casts off his chains of "white guilt" 'cos someone stole his bicycle
Idaho's lone black lawmaker receiving klan mailings
racist dirtbags whining that criticism is "leftist censorship"
shooter's lawyers drop him, say he's been unreachable, not in FL, been ignoring advice to STFU, going to the media (specifically Hannity) and trying to call the Special Prosecutor. His website stunt was the last straw.
NBC fires producer who heavily edited 911 audio
school fires literature teacher who encouraged kids' Trayvon fundraiser
shooter's family says US Attorney General Eric Holder protecting "New Black Panthers" because Holder is black
shooter's family makes awkward literary reference, comparing shooter to the Tom Robinson character from "To Kill a Mockingbird"
bonus conspiracy red meat from a Daily Caller reader--Obama, Trayvon, Sharpton, Jackson, and Eric Holder are working with the NEW BLACK PANTHERS!!!11! and the shooter stumbled onto it! Obama's building a blah militia!!
shots fired at empty cop car in Sanford
shooter charged with 2nd Degree Murder (4-12-2012)
shooter's new lawyer's best defense should be to
SHUT UP (awww, he can't go into a 7/11 without being recognized)
Of course, It's All Obama's Fault!
[NOTE: Somehow most of the links got mangled while I was putting the dump together. This has been fixed]
Here we go:
17-year-old Martin was on suspension from school in Miami (bag w/pot residue); he was staying in a gated community (apartments?) with his father's GF; walking home from C-store w/Skittles and a drink, was stalked by shooter, then chased; some sort of scuffle/confrontation, then he was shot; shooter claims "self-defense" [wingnuts say shooter had right to "stand his ground" but the kid, threatened by someone armed and bigger, didn't have the same right, even though he was close to home]
killer's father a retired judge; makes us wonder whether the cops refused to charge Zimmerman because the judge wanted the matter to go away.
map of gated community where Martin lived and died
cops tried to coach a witness into changing her story
kid was shot in late Feb 2012; body kept in cooler for 3 days before parents notified [link somewhere down below]
wingnuts (including Bankrupt Check-Bouncing Failure Newt Gingrich) blame the kid for his own murder
shooter was self-appointed Neighborhood Watch (and ARMED, when NW folks are specifically told they're not cops); called 911 frequently in 2011 for meaningless things like trash in street--
and a suspicious 7-9 year old
the shooter was told to back off by the 911 dispatcher
the Zimmerman media circus
shitstorm picks up as people start claiming shooter said "fucking coons"
Obama speaks out; Gingrich the Bankrupt Failure and other wingnuts screech at him
for pandering; Frothy goes to a shooting range campaign event; stupid woman tells him "Pretend it's Obama!"
faux noise commenters do their usual racist shit-throwing
Geraldo "The Moustache" Rivera says if the kid wasn't wearing a hoodie, he wouldn't have been shot
'witness' claims he saw Martin beating on the shooter, says shooting was self defense [3/23/12]
Gun Owners of America supports 'witness' and 'self-defense' claim, supports the "stand your ground" gun laws
PBS holds roundtable on the killing
Breitard claims kid's photo was 'lightened' to make him look 'innocent' (and picks fight with LGF blogger)
a different Trayvon Martin's pic used to smear the kid
convenient 'black friend' of shooter claims Zimmerman said "fucking goons,' it's what the kids call each other these days when they like each other [3/25/12]
Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine--and now what?
Daily Kos tag roundup
Killer 'can't stop crying'
NOLA cop --under investigation for fatal shooting)--to Trayvon: "Act like a thug, die like a thug"
Miami Herald makes excuses, claims shooter thought Trayvon looked "drugged out" (so smoking pot is a capital offense? Doesn't editorializing belong on the OPINION page?)
wingnut dickhead says Obama "lynching" shooter
investigator wanted to charge shooter with manslaughter, was instructed not to
faux noise commenters go racist (again) (they had a field day with Whitney Houston's death)
not to be outdone, Breitard commenters go even more batshit racist against Trayvon
shooter's lawyer abandons chair, runs out on "The Last Word"; chair footage for an entire segment (Lawrence grills it at one point; chair refuses comment)
shooter's "buddy" Oliver grilled on "The Last Word"; his claims all fall apart (he's a coworker, didn't know him all that well, hadn't seen him in awhile)
shooter claims he was attacked; broken nose, blood on his face and back of his head from being beaten up by the kid--but police video calls bullshit on that
funeral director says no injuries on Trayvon's hands (he didn't put up a fight)
shooter's father claims Martin told shooter, "you're gonna die now" or "you're gonna die tonight"
keeps blowing up: Trayvon Martin was identified but kept as John Doe until his father filed a Missing Persons report; shooter didn't have blood or broken nose; cops didn't drop the ball so much as put it down and walk away from it
Spike Lee fucks up, reposts incorrect address for shooter posted by some Twitter dumbass (the address was was actually that of a 70-year-old woman and her 72 year-old husband; they had to bug out because of all the hate mail, phone calls, and visits in the middle of the night).
wingnut bullies target children
Snowbilly makes desperate attempt to be relevant, says Obama "orchestrated" his remarks on Trayvon.
Longer video of shooter's arrival at PD
breitards say Hispanics--and the shooter--aren't white
wingnut blames Obama for "Kill Zimmerman" Twitter account
shooter's pearl-clutching father: "so much hate coming from the President"
the Gated Community mentality
Trayvon Martin: License to Kill
Roseanne Barr joins the "let's post people's addresses online" club, deletes her post, claims she thought Twitter was private
Spike Lee apologizes, settles with couple whose address he posted
Rep. Bobby Rush removed from House floor for wearing a hoodie; scumbag Allen "One-Term Lying War Criminal" West lies about it
more racist scumbaggery from the Breitards
forensics experts: shooter wasn't screaming for help
moron says forensics experts don't know how to do their job, says they can't use screams to identify shooter vs. Martin
Breitards start deleting some racist comments, after a week
If Martin had been white and the shooter black
a view of Trayvon from the UK (why the US is an insane police state)
Breitards still racist scumbags after another week (4-5-12)
Neo-Nazis "patrolling" Sanford, FL in case race riot breaks out
fox affiliate in Orlando calls Nazis a "civil rights" group--then they delete the page and rewrite it as "White rights group" and edit that to finally say "Neo-Nazi group"
Sanford, FL puts National Guard on standby
a look at sloppy copwork in Sanford, FL (the Martin case is just the latest)
shooter fan defaces a black cultural center at OSU
shooter launches fundraising website
Grand Jury will not get the case; it's in the Special Prosecutor's hands, but there won't be a 1st Degree Murder charge (4-9-12). Could still try him on manslaughter.
this isn't the first time "stand your ground" has farked things up--in OK, a man was killed in 2010 by a robber, who was allowed to walk because he was "attacked" first. The "attacker's" son and an older friend went on a shooting spree, killing 5 black people who had nothing to do with his father's death (4/2012)
America's stooopitest blogger says spree-killer was "understandably upset"
smug yuppie Mark Judge of Daily Caller casts off his chains of "white guilt" 'cos someone stole his bicycle
Idaho's lone black lawmaker receiving klan mailings
racist dirtbags whining that criticism is "leftist censorship"
shooter's lawyers drop him, say he's been unreachable, not in FL, been ignoring advice to STFU, going to the media (specifically Hannity) and trying to call the Special Prosecutor. His website stunt was the last straw.
NBC fires producer who heavily edited 911 audio
school fires literature teacher who encouraged kids' Trayvon fundraiser
shooter's family says US Attorney General Eric Holder protecting "New Black Panthers" because Holder is black
shooter's family makes awkward literary reference, comparing shooter to the Tom Robinson character from "To Kill a Mockingbird"
bonus conspiracy red meat from a Daily Caller reader--Obama, Trayvon, Sharpton, Jackson, and Eric Holder are working with the NEW BLACK PANTHERS!!!11! and the shooter stumbled onto it! Obama's building a blah militia!!
shots fired at empty cop car in Sanford
shooter charged with 2nd Degree Murder (4-12-2012)
shooter's new lawyer's best defense should be to
SHUT UP (awww, he can't go into a 7/11 without being recognized)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wingnut Punk to Libs, Non-Christians: "Get out!"
So Frothy Mix was hosted by some punk-ass preacher-boy loser in Louisiana over the weekend.
Preacher-boy doesn't like non-Christians or Liberals. Says we gotta go. Doesn't like the gays, either. Buys into the comical notion that this country was founded by third-rate Billy Graham wannabe wingnut losers like him.
Loves him some Frothy. Babbled prayers and drooled over him for a bit, then made the obligatory anti-Obama squeals and whines and asked his imaginary sky-buddy to "do a mighty work" on the bad black guy.
Packed house. Lots of gray and blue hair. I wonder whether there's even one stooped-over Rascal-driver in the room who realizes that ol' Frothy is one of "them ol' Catholics."
Oh--and preacher-boy?
You and what army?
[UPDATE! 3/22/2012]
Preacher Boy is apparently embarrassed by all the attention he got when this video went all over the Interwebs and has scrambled to yank it off the Web by...deleting it from the church website.
Y'all be nice and don't tell him about the rest of the Internet, 'kay?
Preacher-boy doesn't like non-Christians or Liberals. Says we gotta go. Doesn't like the gays, either. Buys into the comical notion that this country was founded by third-rate Billy Graham wannabe wingnut losers like him.
Loves him some Frothy. Babbled prayers and drooled over him for a bit, then made the obligatory anti-Obama squeals and whines and asked his imaginary sky-buddy to "do a mighty work" on the bad black guy.
Packed house. Lots of gray and blue hair. I wonder whether there's even one stooped-over Rascal-driver in the room who realizes that ol' Frothy is one of "them ol' Catholics."
Oh--and preacher-boy?
You and what army?
[UPDATE! 3/22/2012]
Preacher Boy is apparently embarrassed by all the attention he got when this video went all over the Interwebs and has scrambled to yank it off the Web by...deleting it from the church website.
Y'all be nice and don't tell him about the rest of the Internet, 'kay?
Professional Hysterics,
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Name That Kook, #1 (March 10, 2012)
--Took and passed the Bar Exam, but was rejected by the Bar Association in his state because he doesn't believe the Constitution applies equally to all Americans.
--Head of a white supremacist group.
--Went to prison for soliciting a hit on a federal judge.
Answer's in the comments.
--Head of a white supremacist group.
--Went to prison for soliciting a hit on a federal judge.
Answer's in the comments.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Pic of the Day: Bing-Bong.

he was a f@#$er. a big ass motherf@#$er. this aint a 24-hour zone, baby. he was a bad, bad dude.
Oh, wait, that's Andy gloating about Ted Kennedy's death. He and his wingnut buddies were dancing in the streets that day! Good times, good times. But his wingnut buddies are demanding that everyone show Dick some respect--"BEHAVE YOURSELVES! BEHAVE YOURSELVES!!"
Didja know that Obama had him rubbed out to keep Andy from releasing incriminating video of him? It's on the Interwebs, must be TRUE!
Andy was one of the less-interesting kooks (just your basic angry, unhappy loudmouth, and a very small man); we didn't pay him much attention in life. We expect that he'll be much quieter now.
If he'd acted like a decent human being in public instead of a puffed-up screaming prick, he might be a sympathetic character here at the Clearinghouse. As it is, we shake our heads and go on to the next kook.
Monday, January 30, 2012
In Our Backyard: Pensacola Christer College
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