Thursday, December 24, 2009

Andy Williams: Teabagger.

The news item's a few months old (September of 2009), but since it's almost xmas and old Andy's "Most Wonderful Time" is blaring out of various speakers, it seems appropriate.

Seems old Andy doesn't like Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Obama. The Telegraph reports:

“Don’t like him at all,” he said, “I think he wants to create a socialist country. The people he associates with are very Left-wing. One is registered as a Communist."

“Obama is following Marxist theory. He’s taken over the banks and the car industry. He wants the country to fail.”

Okay. Andy doesn't like them Socialists, either. Since he wants to talk like one of those teabagging morons, he needs to print out the following and sign his name and date it:

I, _____[Andy Williams] ___________________, do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall strictly adhere to the following:

I will complain about the destruction of 1st Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment Rights.

I will complain about the destruction of my 2nd Amendment Rights in this country, while I am duly being allowed to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by legally but brazenly brandishing unconcealed firearms in public.

I will foreswear the time-honored principles of fairness, decency, and respect by screaming unintelligible platitudes regarding tyranny, Nazi-ism, and socialism at public town halls. Also.

I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:

* Social Security

* Medicare/Medicaid

* State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)

* Police, Fire, and Emergency Services

* US Postal Service

* Roads and Highways

* Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)

* The US Railway System

* Public Subways and Metro Systems

* Public Bus and Lightrail Systems

* Rest Areas on Highways

* Sidewalks

* All Government-Funded Local/State Projects (e.g., see Iowa 2009 federal senate appropriations)

* Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)

* Public and State Universities and Colleges

* Public Primary and Secondary Schools

* Sesame Street

* Publicly Funded Anti-Drug Use Education for Children

* Public Museums

* Libraries

* Public Parks and Beaches

* State and National Parks

* Public Zoos

* Unemployment Insurance

* Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services

* Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)

* Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)

* Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (Nazi-NASA Inventions)

* Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD’s ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking

* Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From Crops Grown With Government Subsidies

* Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies

If a veteran of the government-run socialist US military, I will forego my VA benefits and insist on paying for my own medical care.

I will not tour socialist government buildings like the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

I pledge to never take myself, my family, or my children on a tour of the following types of socialist locations, including but not limited to:

* Smithsonian Museums such as the Air and Space Museum or Museum of American History

* The socialist Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson Monuments

* The government-operated Statue of Liberty

* The Grand Canyon

* The socialist World War II and Vietnam Veterans Memorials

* The government-run socialist-propaganda location known as Arlington National Cemetery

* All other public-funded socialist sites, whether it be in my state or in Washington, DC

I will urge my Member of Congress and Senators to forego their government salary and government-provided healthcare.

I will oppose and condemn the government-funded and therefore socialist military of the United States of America.

I will boycott the products of socialist defense contractors such as GE, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Humana, FedEx, General Motors, Honeywell, and hundreds of others that are paid by our socialist government to produce goods for our socialist army.

I will protest socialist security departments such as the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Department of Justice and their socialist employees.

Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will tear up my socialist Social Security checks.

Upon reaching age 65, I will forego Medicare and pay for my own private health insurance until I die.


_____________ _________________________

Signed Printed Name/Town and State

Sing it, Andy, you old teabagger you.

Because Nothing Fails Like Prayer...

There's a wingnut--Janet Porter--over at WingNutDaily who says opponents of the health-care legislation that recently passed the Senate should pray and fast to convince the Sky-Buddy that they're serious in their opposition.

Sky-Buddy is then expected to make the legislation stop, the same way he made Democrats miss the voting sessi...oh, wait, he didn't. See, last week one of the Goposaurs--Senator Tom "C-Street" Coburn asked fellow Goposaurs to pray that someone would miss the upcoming vote. Some teabaggin' morons prayed that Democrat Byrd would die (there's that christer love from the right-wingers).

ALL the Dems showed up. Goposaur Senator James Mountain Inhofe missed it. Ten pounds of FAIL in a 5-pound bag.

Remember when the Goposaurs (in the form of Dobson over at Focus on the Family) called for prayers that there would be bad rains at Obama's 2008 nomination acceptance speech in Denver? Hurricane Gustav gave them a few headaches. Things didn't go as planned.

So Wingnut Janet Porter wants anti-health-care people to use their "secret weapon." Prayer. Prayer and FASTING.

Prayer doesn't seem to be working out for the Wingnuts lately. If they starve themselves long enough, they'll become a burden on the health-care system.